Over summer I've noticed a real improvement in the quality of my cooking, not necessarily due to any particular change in skill, simply an increased passion for cooking and really thinking about flavours, ingredients and how I can tweak recipes. So I thought, given that its a Sunday and therefore you're likely to have a little more time than usual to whip up something delicious, I'd share with you three of my latest culinary successes. Conveniently enough breakfast, Sunday lunch and dinner recipes, perfect for a truly indulgent Sunday.
A Lesson In: Lectures
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Labels: A Lesson In, Lifestyle
You Beauty Discovery Box - September
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Labels: Beauty
A week or so ago the postman delivered a little treat in the form of You Beauty's discovery box, a beauty box that before a few weeks ago I'd never heard of, and was intrigued to try. Well, I've had a week to play around with the products, so I can now report back to you with my thoughts!
A Chilly Thursday's Walk
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Labels: Lifestyle

Last Thursday, Mum and I jumped in the car with Nellie the dog and visited one of our favourite walking spots in Suffolk, to make the most of the beautiful countryside before she and Dad pack their bags and move to Wales (warning: picture heavy post!).
A Lesson In: University Life
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Labels: A Lesson In, Lifestyle
So by this point you're probably either packed and ready to go, or have unpacked your tiny new university bedroom and have waved goodbye to Mum and Dad. You're probably a little nervous, or a lot nervous, tearful and unsure of just how you're going to cope living all by yourself. Most of this anxiety will fade over time, you'll get into a routine, learn what you do and don't need from a food shop, and how to work the washing machine. But nonetheless there are some things that I learned from my first year experience that may just help you get settled in that little bit faster.
The Lust List
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Labels: Beauty, Style
I'm a
A Lesson In: Style
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Labels: A Lesson In, Style
The Ultimate Lunchtime Salad
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Labels: Food

In a strange twist of events, in the last week our usually empty fridge was full of delights such as sundried tomatoes (home made at that), olives, low fat cheese and spinach. A lot of spinach. And so this little baby was born - filling, healthy and tasty to boot, say hello to your newest lunchtime buddy!
A Lesson In: Beauty
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Labels: A Lesson In, Beauty