September is fast approaching, and that means one thing - freshers! Over the next few weeks I'll be offering up some of my second year wisdom for those of you taking your first steps into the big bad world and starting university, a 'University Life for Dummies' if you will (that's not to say you're dummies, of course). And what better way to start things off than with a little bit of beauty?
Now, if you're anything like me, you'll spend the morning before your first lecture fretting about how your hair looks, if you're wearing too much make-up, if you're not wearing enough... the list is endless. However by the end of your first week you'll start slipping. It'll begin with a few late nights, a sneaky hit of the 'snooze' button every now and again, and before you know it you're shakily applying eyeliner with one hand and taming your brows with the other! In short, no fresher has time for a full face of makeup every morning. Now that's not to say you should skip your morning preening routine altogether (that wouldn't make for a very interesting post, now would it?) but it does mean that you'd be wise to trade in those ten minutes of hair-straightening and highlighting for a cheeky lay in, and stick to the essentials.
So, are you sitting comfortably with your pen at the ready? It's time to make some notes...
Bed head.
Unless you're one of the lucky few people whose hair is naturally voluminous, bouncy and full of texture, then you're bound to want to do something with it before you brave the outdoors. Unfortunately that 7.30am alarm doesn't give you much time for straightening or curling, but fortunately ten minutes before bed can give you gorgeous locks in the morning! You can do pretty much anything with damp hair, from plaits to buns to curlers, and it will give it some sort of texture come morning. Personally I opt for twisting medium sections of my hair (about four or six sections) up to my parting before attacking them with hair grips to keep them in place overnight. By the time I wake up and unpin my hair I have lovely beachy waves, no time wasted!
To base or not to base?
When it comes to what base to slap on before a lecture, it's really down to personal preference. Some of my uni friends opt for a full face of foundation, some leave theirs base free, how much coverage you opt for should really depend on how comfortable you feel. Personally I tend to reach for something a little more than a moisturiser but a little less than a foundation, such as Origins Vitazing. Along with concealer it gives me an extra bit of skin-confidence, whilst maintaining that dewy, 'barley there' look that I'm so fond of.
When it comes to what base to slap on before a lecture, it's really down to personal preference. Some of my uni friends opt for a full face of foundation, some leave theirs base free, how much coverage you opt for should really depend on how comfortable you feel. Personally I tend to reach for something a little more than a moisturiser but a little less than a foundation, such as Origins Vitazing. Along with concealer it gives me an extra bit of skin-confidence, whilst maintaining that dewy, 'barley there' look that I'm so fond of.
Quick concealing.
Now, you're hardly going to feel confident enough to speak out in a lecture if you have a ruddy great red spot on your chin, are you? So even if you're skipping your base, a good concealer is essential. For non-crisis days, you want something that can be swiped under your eyes and around your nose and blended with ease. For me, the Maybelline Eraser Eye Concealer is an absolute god-send. It blends out in seconds (for this I use the Real Techniques Deluxe Crease Brush) and hides my tell-tale under-eye circles like a dream - sleepy students take note! However for when something more heavy duty is required, I turn to Benefit's Boi-ing Concealer, whose creamy yet thick formula will hide any redhills mountains that pop up on my face.
Now, you're hardly going to feel confident enough to speak out in a lecture if you have a ruddy great red spot on your chin, are you? So even if you're skipping your base, a good concealer is essential. For non-crisis days, you want something that can be swiped under your eyes and around your nose and blended with ease. For me, the Maybelline Eraser Eye Concealer is an absolute god-send. It blends out in seconds (for this I use the Real Techniques Deluxe Crease Brush) and hides my tell-tale under-eye circles like a dream - sleepy students take note! However for when something more heavy duty is required, I turn to Benefit's Boi-ing Concealer, whose creamy yet thick formula will hide any red
Wide-awake eyes.
I have small eyes at the best of times (thank you Mum and Dad), combined with a bad night's sleep and they become full on slits. Thankfully eye make-up has undergone somewhat of a revolution of late, and so faking Disney-style peepers is the easiest it's ever been. Now, if you're making the most of your morning and having a hearty breakfast (most important meal of the day, people!) then you're unlikely to have time to pack on and blend four different shades of eyeshadow. This is where eyeshadow sticks come in handy. Simply swipe along your top and/or bottom lashes, smudge away, and add some mascara for a smokey yet casual effect. However if, like me, you need a little extra umph then something like the Bourjois Pinceau Eyeliner will add a kitten flick in minutes. Simple!
I have small eyes at the best of times (thank you Mum and Dad), combined with a bad night's sleep and they become full on slits. Thankfully eye make-up has undergone somewhat of a revolution of late, and so faking Disney-style peepers is the easiest it's ever been. Now, if you're making the most of your morning and having a hearty breakfast (most important meal of the day, people!) then you're unlikely to have time to pack on and blend four different shades of eyeshadow. This is where eyeshadow sticks come in handy. Simply swipe along your top and/or bottom lashes, smudge away, and add some mascara for a smokey yet casual effect. However if, like me, you need a little extra umph then something like the Bourjois Pinceau Eyeliner will add a kitten flick in minutes. Simple!
Let's get lippy.
Now I'll be honest, most people seem to leave their lips bare for lectures, however if you're reading this then I'm guessing you're a bit of a beauty nut like me, so I'll humour you. While I'd give any full-on lipsticks a miss (you'll be too busy making notes to re-apply lippy in the mirror) a sheer, easy to apply formula can really brighten up your make-up with minimal effort. My personal favourites? The MUA Power Pout Crayons are not only as simple to apply as a lip balm, but also provide a lovely pop of colour, whilst (literally) being as cheap as chips. For something even more laid back, the Body Shop Born Lippy Pots provide only a hint of colour and gloss, whilst moisturising the lips. Lovely job!
Now I'll be honest, most people seem to leave their lips bare for lectures, however if you're reading this then I'm guessing you're a bit of a beauty nut like me, so I'll humour you. While I'd give any full-on lipsticks a miss (you'll be too busy making notes to re-apply lippy in the mirror) a sheer, easy to apply formula can really brighten up your make-up with minimal effort. My personal favourites? The MUA Power Pout Crayons are not only as simple to apply as a lip balm, but also provide a lovely pop of colour, whilst (literally) being as cheap as chips. For something even more laid back, the Body Shop Born Lippy Pots provide only a hint of colour and gloss, whilst moisturising the lips. Lovely job!
Little extras.
You're ready to leave and, bonus, you have five minutes to spare before rushing off to your lecture! While you're unlikely to be able to cram any hair curling into this time (believe me, I've tried!) a quick spritz of perfume or a dash of blusher most certainly can be. You don't want to suffocate your entire lecture with a wave of perfume, nor do you want to waste your favourite scent on a room full of sleepy students, so avoid heady scents and instead opt for a body spray or solid perfume. I use Elle Macpherson's solid perfume, which is fresh and zesty and a perfect wake-me-up in the morning. For blush, I recommend a teeny amount of Rimmel Stay Blushed blended out on the cheeks for a fresh-faced and easy to achieve look.
You're ready to leave and, bonus, you have five minutes to spare before rushing off to your lecture! While you're unlikely to be able to cram any hair curling into this time (believe me, I've tried!) a quick spritz of perfume or a dash of blusher most certainly can be. You don't want to suffocate your entire lecture with a wave of perfume, nor do you want to waste your favourite scent on a room full of sleepy students, so avoid heady scents and instead opt for a body spray or solid perfume. I use Elle Macpherson's solid perfume, which is fresh and zesty and a perfect wake-me-up in the morning. For blush, I recommend a teeny amount of Rimmel Stay Blushed blended out on the cheeks for a fresh-faced and easy to achieve look.
Such a wonderful post - I love the bed-head messy look and my hair is naturally wavy so I can sort of get away without doing too much to hair in the morning….and couldn't agree with you more about the lip products…I love a bright lip colour….makeup takes less time…all you need is eyeliner and you're good! :)
ReplyDeleteLayla xx